You are as good as your weakest link

Se compro marca boa, espero o máximo
10 reasons why companies must blog

The 10 New Rules of Branding by Simon Williams

1) Brands that influence culture sell more; culture is the new catalyst for growth.
2) A brand with no point of view has no point; full-flavor branding is in, vanilla is out.
3) Today’s consumer is leading from the front; this is the smartest generation to have ever walked the planet.
4) Customize wherever and whenever you can; customization is tomorrow’s killer whale. The second advent of the Internet has consumers wanting something all their own, ‘I need something that is mine, not mass-produced for everybody.’
5) Forget the transaction, just give me an experience; the mandate is simple: Wow them every day, every way.
6) Deliver clarity at point of purchase; be obsessive about presentation.
7) You are only as good as your weakest link; do you know where you’re vulnerable?
8) Social responsibility is no longer an option; what’s your cause, what’s your contribution?Consumers now expect corporations to get involved in cause marketing. Businesses are doing a better job at getting behind causes,
9) Pulse, pace, and passion really make a difference; had your heartbeat checked recently?”We’re in a crazy world. We keep piling more devices upon us. The more you have, the more you need.
10) Innovation is the new boardroom favorite.”Brands are inspired by Apple more than anyone else,” Williams says. “They transformed the music business, and people are taking what they did seriously.

The 10 New Rules of Branding by Simon Williams, Diretor da Sterling Group, consultoria de Branding de NY
Destaque da Fernanda Romano, agora em NY, para o Blue Bus

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